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Уайт, Эндрю Диксон

White, Andrew Dickson

Дипломат, политический деятель, реформатор в области системы образования. Первый президент Американской исторической ассоциации (American Historical Association, AHA).
Окончил Йельский университет в 1853 г. В 1854-1856 гг. – атташе американской миссии в С.-Петербурге. В 1892-1894гг. – посол США в России.

Список трудов:

White Andrew D. Glimpses of Universal History. The "New Englander," Vol. XV, p.398.
White Andrew D. The Development and Overthrow of Serfdom in Russia. The "Atlantic Monthly," Vol. X, p. 538.
White Andrew D. Outlines of Courses of Lectures on History, Mediaeval and Modern, given at the University of Michigan. Various editions, Ann Arbor and Detroit, 1858-1863; another edi-tion, Ithaca, 1872.
White Andrew D. The Greater States of Continental Europe (including Italy, six lectures; Spain, three lectures; Austria, four lectures; The Netherlands, sis lectures; Prussia, five lectures; Rus-sia, five lectures; Poland, two lectures; The Turkish Power, three lectures; France, from the Es-tablishment of French Unity in the Fifteenth Century to Richelieu, four lectures). Syllabus pre-pared for the graduating classes of Cornell University. Ithaca, the University Press, 1874.
White Andrew D. Studies in General History and the History of Civilization, being a paper read before the American Historical Association at its first public meeting, Saratoga, September 9, 1884. New York and London, 1885.
White Andrew D. The Teaching of History in our Public Schools. Remarks before the Fortnightly Club, Buffalo, 1890.
White Andrew D. A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom. New York, 1896. French translation, Paris, 1899. Italian translation, Turin, 1902.
White Andrew D. Walks and Talks with Tolstoy. "McClure's Magazine," April, 1901.
White Andrew D. Reminiscences of My Diplomatic Life. Various articles in the "Century Magazine," 1903-5.
White Andrew D. The Situation and Prospect in Russia. "Collier's Weekly," February 11, 1905.
Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White, The Century co.

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