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Зелник, Реджинальд

Zelnik, Reginald (1936-2004)

Специалист по истории России.
Окончил Принстонский университет (BA,1956). Защитил диссертацию в Стэнфордском университете (PhD, 1966). Русский язык выучил еще во время службы на флоте. В аспирантуре учился у У. Вучинич и А. Мазура. Преподавал в Индиане и Стэнфорде, редактировал научные журналы, руководил историческим факультетом, центром исследований России и аспирантурой Беркли, возглавлял профессиональные ассоциации.
Член The Joint Committee of the Social Science Research Council, а также член The American Council of Learned Societies and served on committees of the American Historical Association (AHA). Также является членом American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS).

Список трудов

Zelnik, Reginald E. Labor and Society in Tsarist Russia: The Factory Workers of St. Petersburg, 1855-1870 (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1971)
Zelnik, Reginald E. and Robert Cohen, eds., The Free Speech Movement: Reflections on Berkeley in the 1960s (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002)
Zelnik, Reginald E., Sergei Ivanovich Potolov and Rafail Sholomovich Ganelin, et al., eds., Rabochie i intelligentsiia Rossii v epokhu reform i revoliutsii, 1861-fevral? 1917 (St. Petersburg: Blits, 1997);
Zelnik, Reginald E., ed., Workers and the Intelligentsia in Late Imperial Russia: Realities, Representations, Reflections (Berkeley: International and Area Studies, University of California, 1999).
Franz Schurmann, Peter Dale Scott, and Reginald E. Zelnik, The Politics of Escalation in Vietnam (Boston: Beacon, 1966).
Zelnik, Reginald E., "The Sunday-School Movement in Russia, 1859-1862," Journal of Modern History 37, 2 (1965): 151-70;
Zelnik, Reginald E., "An Early Case of Labor Protest in St. Peand Zelnik, "The Peasant and the Factory," in ThePeasant in Nineteenth-Century Russia, ed. Wayne Vucinich (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1968), 158-90.
Zelnik, Reginald E. "Russian Bebels: An Introduction to the Memoirs of Semen Kanatchikov and Matvei Fisher," Russian Review 35 (1976), 3: 249-89 and 4: 417-47.
Zelnik, Reginald E. Law and Disorder on the Narova River: The Kreenholm Strike of 1872 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995).
Zelnik, Reginald E. "To the Unaccustomed Eye': Religion and Irreligion in the Experience of St. Petersburg Workers in the 1870s," in Russian Culture in Modern Times, ed. Robert P. Hughes and Irina Paperno (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994), 49-82;
Zelnik, Reginald E. "Circumstance and Political Will in the Russian Civil War," in Party, State, and Society in the Russian Civil War: Explorations in Social History, ed. Diane Koenker, William Rosenberg, and Ronald Grigor Suny (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989), 374-81;
Zelnik, Reginald E. "From Felons to Victims: A Response to Michael McDonald," Representations, no. 22 (Spring 1988): 55-59;
Zelnik, Reginald E. "Wie Es Eigentlich Gegessen: Some Curious Thoughts on the Role of Borsch in Russian History," in For Want of a Horse: Choice and Chance in History, ed. John Merriman (Lexington, MA: Stephen Greene Press, 1985), 77-89;
Zelnik, Reginald E. "On Schizophrenia, Reductionism, and Family Responsibility," Tikkun 5, 1 (1990): 46-48;
Zelnik, Reginald E. "On the Eve: Life Histories and Identities of Some Revolutionary Workers, 1870-1905," in Making Workers Soviet: Power, Class, and Identity, ed. Lewis Siegelbaum and Ronald Grigor Suny (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1994), 27-65.

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